Putting Tempo Twin to the Test

by DavidDeering
May 31, 2014

Patrick Dickmann

24 year old student
Lives in Cologne, Germany
25th Pro Tour Nagoya
Winner GP Antwerp

More Posts (2)

Hello and welcome back!

As promised last time, I will now reflect on my experiences at the GP Antwerp while giving you brief explanations on how certain match-ups (basically the ones I faced at the GP) play out.

Friday, 25th of october 2013

I have decided to never arrive at a GP tournament site on saturday morning ever again. I did this in the past and can not recommend it to anyone. This is because I am the type of player who suffers a lot from exhaustion (I threw away 9th place at Pro Tour Nagoya due to this problem) and a long drive in the midst of the night will make sure that I won’t make it through the day in one piece. Anyway, my brother picked me up in Cologne and it was up to me to navigate as none of us had access to a sat-nav. “Us”, that is 4 players all squeezed into a rather small Opel Corsa. The drive went smoothly as one can basically draw a straight line from Cologne to Antwerp. However, things got a little dicey once we arrived there. Making your way in a foreign city is never easy! Let’s just say we had a nice time sightseeing and ultimately ended up near the main station right in the city where we decided to have an emergency stop, a snack and ask for the way as we were obviously lost. Fueled with belgian fries we ended up being caught in a traffic jam due to rush hour and slowly but surely made our way over to the tournament site. The site was a rather questionable choice. An old depot in the harbor area. While charming in outer appearance, it was also very dark and a little muggy. I met up with a few friends, picked up missing cards (3€ for 2 Peeks, the card became popular as I gave my decklist to a ton of people..) and had a few test games. I would have liked to leave early and have a walk in the city but in the end we were the last players at the site as one of my room mates had to make it to the finals of the last Grand Prix Trial. Well, at least he won that thing. Once we arrived at our hotel, we were informed that it was too late to order food so my brother and me had a late night trip to the central station in pursuit of something to eat. We ended up at the same snack bar as before and had yet another portion of belgian fries.

Saturday, 26th of october 2013

We got up in time, which is already a win for me. I overslept way more tournaments than I want admit. As a reminder, this is the decklist I registered:


4 Pestermite
2 Deceiver Exarch
4 Snapcaster Mage
2 Vendilion Clique
1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
2 Grim Lavamancer


4 Serum Visions
2 Peek
4 Lightning Bolt
3 Remand
2 Izzet Charm
1 Dispel
2 Cryptic Command
4 Splinter Twin


4 Scalding Tarn
4 Misty Rainforest
3 Steam Vents
1 Breeding Pool
4 Sulfur Falls
3 Island
1 Mountain
2 Tectonic Edge
1 Desolate Lighthouse


2 Ancient Grudge
2 Batterskull
1 Dismember
1 Dispel
1 Engineered Explosives
1 Grim Lavamancer
3 Molten Rain
2 Relic of Progenitus
2 Threads of Disloyality


I had to play right from the start. As I said before, I became a Magic Online player and passed on most real life tournaments. At these times I miss the old rating system as I used to have 3 byes due to my standings in between 2050 and 2080 points.

Round 1: Knittel, Fabrice [FRA] Won 2-0 vs Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] (vs Melira Pod) 0-1

The Birthing Pod match-ups became tougher with the addition of Voice of Resurgence. It used to be quite easy as you could interact with their creature combos and had a lot of time to sculpt your hand. Nowadays you will have to answer Voice of Resurgence first as it completely shuts down our game plan. That being said, the match-up is still winnable, yet you have to play very well and watch out not to fall behind. It is possible to handle all their threats and once they are out of gas win in whichever way you like. Grim Lavamancer is obviously the best card in this match-up followed by Snapcaster Mage and Lightning Bolt. Remand and Dispel are probably at their worst here.

There’s not too much to say here. I took two mulligans and had to keep mediocre 6 cards twice. In both games I managed to clear the board and leave both of us with just lands only to get slaughtered by multiple Murderous Redcaps.

Sideboarding: -2 Splinter Twin, -2 Vendillion Clique, -3 Remand, -1 Dispel, -1 Deceiver Exarch

+2 Ancient Grudge, +1 Dismember, +1 Grim Lavamancer, +2 Relic of Progenitus, +2 Threads of Disloyality, +1 Batterskull

Note that it is a viable option to combo-kill them, yet I cut some copies of Splinter Twin as you will be punished hard should you ever draw too many cards that don’t do anything on their own. Basically stack up on removal, kill everything they have and choose your own path to victory from there on.

Round 2: Dickmann, Patrick [Deu] Won 2-0 vs Rapilly, Sylvain [ITA] (vs UWR) 1-1

Given an infinite amount of time, two fast players or a Magic Online time system, I feel really confident in the UWR match-up. While it is pretty hard to find an opening for Splinter Twin without applying pressure it is rather easy to win by traditional beatdown. Just watch out not to get blown out by Electrolyze. Try to have them either cast it on you or hit a Snapcaster Mage with it as a 2 for 0 will end up spelling disaster for you. This should be your primary target for countermagic right after Sphinx’s Revelation and Cryptic Command. Remand works overtime as it is the ultimate answer to all flashback spells. Keep in mind that you can save your own spells from opposing countermagic and return them to your hand that way. Save your Tectonic Edges for Celestial Colonnades unless they are missing land drops. Desolate Lighthouse should not be played before you plan to actually use it as it is the best way to get rid of excessive Splinter Twin copies and as the card selection usually wins the game after a few activations. The sideboard grants access to numerous potent weapons, especially Batterskull, to which UWR has almost no solutions.

This match in particular was a prime example for how the match-up plays out for me. I got rid of 2 Splinter Twins utilizing Vendillion Clique and Desolate Lighthouse and kept on trading while making best use of my Remandss. At some point he was left with just a Path to Exile to which I had a protected combo-kill. A pair of Molten Rains, a Dispel and a Snapcaster Mage made quick work of his lands and sealed the deal soon after in game 2.

Sideboarding: -3 Splinter Twin, -2 Deceiver Exarch, -2 Grim Lavamancer, -2 Lightning Bolt

+1 Ancient Grudge, +1 Dispel, +2 Batterskull, +2 Relic of Progenitus, +3 Molten Rain

Round 3: Bauwens, Michael [BEL] lost 0-2 vs Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] (vs Scapeshift) 2-1

There are two different versions of Scapeshift decks. One takes the control route, has access to Cryptic Command, Snapcaster Mage and is more blue-based, while the other one is more straight forward and foregoes control elements for a faster kill and a larger number of threats, namely Prismatic Omen and Primeval Titan. My opponent was on the Primeval Titan version. The match-up plays out similarly to RG Tron. Counter their essential threats and keep them away from assembling 7 or 8 Mana too fast. Whether you kill them by beatdown or with your combo depends on your draw and both are reasonable options.

Both games were decided on the back of numerous Remands keeping him from doing anything unfair. Tempo Twin preys on 1-threat-per-turn-decks especially when they are light on disruption. Game 1 ended on my 5th turn with an early combo-kill, while I was playing the control role for a while in game 2 and eventually won the turn after he tried to resolve Primeval Titan

Sideboarding: -2 Grim Lavamancer, -3 Lightning Bolt

+1 Dispel, +1 Ancient Grudge, +3 Molten Rain

Round 4: Múller, Martin [DNK] won 2-1 vs Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] (vs Jund) 2-2

Losing in the first rounds of a GP is always rough and it’s hard to shake if off just like that. Losing twice is obviously much worse. I was wandering around aimlessly and had I not been preparing for this as much, maybe would have given up. I must have made up for a strange appearance from then on, as I continuously had to convince myself to move on whispering to myself to show perseverance. I relentlessly talked myself into a state of utmost focus, what a psychologist would describe as a flow. In this state your instinct takes over and uses all the experience you have and as you know, I had thousands of games under my belt.

Let’s talk about the Jund match-up. Jund’s ability to interact with our cards in hand and on the board make it close to impossible to find an opening for Splinter Twin just like that. As mentioned in my first article, it is absolutely necessary to apply some pressure and force them to use removal spells, namely Abrupt Decay, early in the game. What is even more important is to immediately answer an early Dark Confidant unless you have an extremely aggressive opener and manage to capitalize on the additional life-loss. The final threat that demands a timely solution is Liliana of the Veil. I have to admit that dropping a turn 2 Liliana of the Veil when I happen to be on the draw is usually a winning recipe for my opponent. Jund definitely brings a fearsome amount of threats to the table and makes up for a hard fight, but we have options. It is of utmost importance to try and keep the board empty within the first 3 turns of the game. Once you make it through this stage unharmed, you’re favored to win, as Jund’s card quality basically remains the same throughout the whole match while you scale much better towards the late game. Of course it is rarely that easy. Games can go heavily one way or another as players need the right mix of threats and solutions. Both will find themselves on the edge the whole time. Whether you will win or lose is a matter of luck and tough decision making especially on the Tempo Twin players side.

That being said our games in this particular round were an example for how much games can go one way or another. I won an easy game one, took three mulligans in the next two and never recovered from the disadvantage. It’s simple. Whoever has to mulligan will end up losing. (True ~90% of the time)

Sideboarding: -3 Splinter Twin, -1 Dispel, -2 Deceiver Exarch, -3 Remand

+2 Batterskull, +1 Grim Lavamancer, +2 Relic of Progenitus, +2 Threads of Disloyality, +1 Dismember, +1 Engineered Explosives

Round 5: Schadl, Michael [AUT] lost 0-2 vs Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] (vs Tron) 3-2

The Tron match-up is a rather easy one. Aside from a turn 3 Karn Liberated on the play, they have no fearsome early plays and even this one can be answered. Neither do they have methods to interact with your combo aside from Oblivion Stone, nor do they represent a fast clock. The Tron decks tend to have a ton of sideboard cards against Splinter Twin that would work against traditional versions but don’t affect Tempo Twin too much. The common kill will be an early combo in game 1 and a slightly delayed one in game 2 although it is, as always, possible to win by beatdown.

Everything went as said above with the nice bonus of leaving my opponent without a single permanent in game 2 as multiple Molten Rains, Snapcaster Mage and Ancient Grudge did their dirty work.

Sideboarding: -2 Grim Lavamancer, -4 Lightning Bolt

+2 Ancient Grudge, +1 Engineered Explosives, +3 Molten Rain

Round 6: Meertens, Job [NLD] lost 0-2 vs Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] (vs BG “Rock”) 4-2

The “Rock” match-up plays out pretty much the same as Jund. I personally prefere to play against BG as I fear topdecked Olivia Voldarens and Chandra, Pyromasters. BG doesn’t do such things. The deck foregoes power for consistency, which is why I feel that it is an easier pairing than against Jund.

After excessive trading in game one I managed to stick a Splinter Twin on a Snapcaster Mage and have it survive for several turns, which is easily my favorite way to win. Game two was carried on the back of Relic of Progenitus rendering his board of 2 Tarmogoyfs and a Deathrite Shaman useless for quite some time. I proceeded with a Batterskull that was later on equipped to a Pestermite, making it impossible for him to win the damage race.

Sideboarding: -3 Splinter Twin, -1 Dispel, -2 Deceiver Exarch, -3 Remand

+2 Batterskull, +1 Grim Lavamancer, +2 Relic of Progenitus, +2 Threads of Disloyality, +1 Dismember, +1 Engineered Explosives

Round 7: Dickmann, Patrick [DEU] won 2-1 vs Aithaj-Kaddour, Benjamin [DEU] (vs Twin) 5-2

This was a 75 cards mirror match as Benjamin is a good friend of mine and a skilled player on top of that who therefore has access to my most recent decklists. This is probably my favorite match-up as there is so much interaction going on and as good plays really get rewarded. It is very hard to win by assembling your combo so your best bet should be swinging in with Pestermites, Snapcaster Mages and Vendillion Clique. Due to its highly interactive and reactionary nature, the match-up favors the one making best use of information. You have to know very well when it is safe to cast a threat especially when you have no protection to back it up. For example one should never cast a Snapcaster Mage into a full grip of unknown cards. The risk of getting blown out by Remand is just too high. While preboard games see some combo-kills, this is almost never the case in postboard games. My deck is designed to prevent my opponent from doing just that while I have no intention of casting Splinter Twin until very late in the game. The big problem with Splinter Twin is obviously that the card doesn’t do anything without a target and having dead or useless cards in a matchup like this most certainly leads towards defeat (See how this worked out for my opponent in the quarterfinal match).

I got beaten up badly in the first game of our match as I got overrun by a flurry of Pestermites, Snapcaster Mages and answers to basically everything I tried to come up with. Game two was a long, drawn out game featuring topdecks on both sides. I was in bad shape for a while and had to draw out of a disadvantage. I was able to save my Desolate Lighthouse, which is an extremely powerful tool in the mirror, by returning it to my hand with a Cryptic Command in response to his Tectonic Edge and managed to catch his Desolate Lighthouse with my own Tectonic Edge. This line ended up winning the game as, against my advice, Benjamin left some of his Splinter Twins in the deck and got punished for that. He was ultimately left with just these and had to scoop up his cards. We had very few time for game three and both of us started to play a good game of “speed Magic”. I resolved a key Vendillion Clique and foiled a Cryptic Command by casting Remand on my spell while protecting it with a Dispel. Once the extra turns were called out a judge immediately sat himself next to us. I cast a Peek which revealed that he was left with nothing but 2 copies of Splinter Twin and 2 lands against my powerful hand cards and dominant board position. I went into my turn saying that I would from now on voluntarily play with a revealed hand. It contained a Cryptic Command, an Izzet Charm, a Remand and a Dismember. Benjamin got the hint and conceded in the fifth and final extra turn as a draw would have knocked both of us out of day 2 and as we knew that there was no way for me to possibly lose this game. Probably the best match of the tournament for me.

Sideboarding: -3 Splinter Twin, -2 Deceiver Exarch

+1 Dispel, +1 Dismember, +1 Grim Lavamancer, +2 Relic of Progenitus

I will end my round by round report at this point. I used this method to have the chance of showing you how certain match-ups play out and as I faced seven different ones in the first seven rounds.

I had another 75 cards mirror match in round 8 but much rather want to tell you how I managed to sneak into day 2. I was up against Jund again. I took the first game off of my really nervous opponent only to meet crushing defeat in game two due to a strong opener of Deathrite Shaman into Liliana of the Veil topped by an Olivia Voldaren once I thought that I had the game under my control. I was run over by another extremely strong hand in game three resulting in the following board state: I was sitting at 13 life and just played a Batterskull with 6 lands in play of which one was a Tectonic Edge and had no other cards left. My opponent was at 15, had a Liliana of the Veil with 6 counters, a Tarmogoyf at 6/7, 4 lands and 1 card in his hand. Here he made his first huge mistake that ended up losing him the game. Instead of using the -6 ability of his Liliana of the Veil to create 2 piles of 3 lands each and the Batterskull separated from the Germ Token to basically win the game on the spot, he decided to have me sacrifice my germ token, swung in for 6 (down to 7) and passed the turn. I drew a Pestermite and passed, as well. I spent at least 2 minutes for pondering in his beginning of combat step until I finally decided to just let him attack. Tarmogoyf got me down to one, he added an Olivia Voldaren and a Treetop Village to his board before activating the +1 ability of Liliana of the Veil. I flashed in my Pestermite tapping Olivia, drew a Sulfur Falls, equipped my Batterskull killing Liliana of the Veil and got back to 7 life. Here my opponent made his second huge mistake. He had a careful look at my lands realizing that I had an untapped Tectonic Edge and a Misty Rainforest, yet activated his Treetop Village and made an all-in attack. Carefully considering my options I ended up with an extremely risky line but was content that it was my best bet to win this game. I could have blocked the Treetop Village here but I realized that this was my last shot to handle Olivia Voldaren. Praying that my opponent would cooperate I blocked Olivia, fetched for an Island, got rid of his Treetop Village and was fast to sum up what would happen as of now: “Okay, I take 6, I gain 6 so I remain at 6, Olivia dies, second main phase..?” after a second of thought he nodded, put his Olivia Voldaren into the graveyard and dropped his last hand card, a Dark Confidant. I could hardly believe what just happened. With a lot of help I managed to crawl back into a game that was lost like no other before. Obviously he could have traded with my 6/5 Pestermite here by shooting it once with Olivia Voldaren to make her a 4/4 before the combat damage. I came up with this high risk / high reward play as he made it fairly obvious that he had either drawn a second Tarmogoyf or a Dark Confidant when he opted to tap two mana and cast his hand card in the first main phase but was quick to decide against it. I untapped, drew a Snapcaster Mage with a Cryptic Command resting in my graveyard, attacked him down to 9 going back to 13 and passed the turn. He revealed another Liliana of the Veil with his Dark Confidant and excited as rarely before I realized that I just witnessed a miracle. I had this. I won! He tried to resolve his Liliana of the Veil, I countered it with Cryptic Command and he had to scoop up his cards. If I had to outline the best plays I made so far, this line would probably stand on top of them all. Obviously I got pretty lucky, yet I perfectly played to my outs, made use of every single opportunity I got and showcased that a game of Magic is ultimately decided in the players heads. I can hardly put into words how happy I was with this victory. We went on to have a pizza as all of us were starving and made our way back to the hotel soon afterwards.

The next day started off with a heartbreakingly close match against Jund played by Elie Pichon. We split the first two games and I kept an opener with three lands, Splinter Twin, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Pestermite and a Lightning Bolt on the play for game three. He had me discard my Pestermite right away rendering my two other combo pieces useless. Therefore he was slowly picking away at my life total with 2 Deathrite Shamans while I had 5 lands in play and just the Splinter Twin and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker left. Feeling pressured to do something relevant and with no removal in his hand whatsoever Elie decided to tap out for his Olivia Voldaren which would have won given that he untaps once more. Well, after having dug through approximately 25 cards I drew my second Pestermite right before his Olivia Voldaren and ended up running away with the game.
I rolled over another Splinter Twin “mirror” (he was playing black for discard spells and therefore relying on his combo only) in round 11 and proceeded to have my first feature match in round 12. (you can read about it here) The match was over in a heartbeat and I think there’s not too much to say. I was very impressed by Michael’s honesty and professionalism but the games were obviously not exciting at all. On top of being lucky before I was paired against “duparcqG”, a fellow Magic Online regular wielding GR Tron and quickly advanced to 11-2. I was invited for my second feature match in round 14 and faced Four-Colour-Gifts there. (You can see the end of our first game at about minute three in this video ) I knew before that he had a Gifts Ungiven in his hand as I had a Peek. I also knew that he was holding Abrupt Decay but had to keep him away from casting Gifts Ungiven for another turn to close the game out with my Pestermite untapping the Grim Lavamancer and Lightning Bolt. Game two was a long game that I eventually won on the back of my value cards like Grim Lavamancer, Snapcaster Mage, Cryptic Command and Batterskull. I was able to keep him away from resolving a Gifts Ungiven and shut down his Raven’s Crime shenanigans with a timely Relic of Progenitus
My final opponent in the Swiss-Rounds was Reto Sormani with his Kiki-Pod deck. We got along very well but also knew that there was a lot on the line. I made a miraculous comeback in game one, beating his board of Spellskite, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Voice of Resurgence and Birthing Pod. He wanted to end the game with Zealous Conscripts, taking over one of my Pestermites followed by an all-in attack. I cast a Pestermite opting to tap his Zealous Conscripts. He used Phyrexian Mana to activate his Spellskite and went down to 7 life in the process. I let him attack and revealed my second to last card. It was a Deceiver Exarch. I blocked his Zealous Conscripts and went down to 1 life. I now had a board of two Pestermites, a Deceiver Exarch and six lands against his huge army (don’t forget that he got two elemental tokens as I had to cast spells in his turn) but still had a good shot at winning. Why? My last card was a Cryptic Command. I was planning to make a counterattack, tap down his team the next turn and win. Instead I drew a Snapcaster Mage with a Lightning Bolt already in the graveyard. I cast my Cryptic Command choosing to tap his two elementals and return one of my tapped lands to my hand, swung in for five, replayed the land and made the Snapcaster Mage flashback my Lightning Bolt, which was lethal as he tapped out for his Zealous Conscripts the turn before. He Dismembered me in our second game. Izzet Staticaster and Spellskite shut me down completely, while his other creatures and a Gavony Township sealed the deal. Our third game got covered on stream again, just tune in at about 2:03:00. I tried my very best to win in time, which is why I had to make some awkward plays. Given more time I definitely would’ve won on the back of the Batterskull, that I had to cycle instead to dig for a combo-kill. The effort was for nothing as our match would have ended in a draw but Reto being the nice guy he is (and a friend of mine by now) decided to concede and paved my way to the Top 8.

What a run! I did it! After a horrendous 2-2 start with no byes whatsoever I proceeded to win 11 matches (let’s just forget the pseudo draws) and with three more left to go, I was more than pleased to find out that I would be playing a Splinter Twin mirror match in the quarterfinals.

The Top 8 was obviously on camera but I will talk about the games a bit. Game one against Thomas Hendriks (my Twin opponent) was pretty close as both of us had a decent draw. The game came down to a point where after I had dealt with 2 of his Pestermites and a Splinter Twin already, Thomas decided to go for a final combo attempt and tapped out for a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. I had the third Lightning Bolt and with an Deceiver Exarch already in play, was able to close the game once I untapped. Game two was fully covered on stream and is a pretty good example to showcase how the matchup plays out for me and why Splinter Twin is actually the worst card in the mirror. Thomas was never able to cast it and although he was a little unlucky to miss a few land drops I believe that it would not have changed a whole lot. Having access to Cryptic Command and Dispel to make sure that it does resolve is such a huge edge in the mirror and so is Snapcaster Mage of which my deck with its highly reactive game-plan makes much better use than traditional twin versions. Thomas was very well mannered after losing. When offering the handshake he said: “Your deck is much better prepared for the mirror and so are you, congratulations.” , which was pretty flattering and made me happy to hear.

I was up against Living End for the semifinals. Another easy match-up for me but as I didn’t face it in the Swiss-Rounds, let me talk about how it plays out for a moment. Living End is very weak to Splinter Twin as we have a decent amount of counterspells, especially Remand and a strong combo-kill of our own on top of that which can actually win games where they went off first. The worst things that can happen are them hitting a lot of land destruction, multiple Ricochet Traps or us completely missing on answers and the combo. Given that we play Serum Visions and a lot of cantrips in general, these situations come up rarely and whether you win by combo or beatdown is once again up to you.

Sideboarding: – 4 Lightning Bolt

+2 Relic of Progenitus, +1 Dispel, +1 Ancient Grudge

The “draw nothing scenario” came up in game two but game one and three were one-sided victories where I was keeping a lot of answers and eventually assembled my combo with backup.

With this win some of my friends already called me the upcoming GP-Champion and told me that my final opponent was on RG Tron.

The match was rather short and there is only one situation that I want to analyze in detail which is him not opting to exile a land with his Karn Liberated on turn four. He could have played his Karn Liberated on turn three but was afraid of Izzet Charm as he correctly knew that the Planeswalker is the best card in this match-up and therefore decided to play a very conservative game. I didn’t cast one of my 3 Pestermites in his upkeep and he assumed that I probably didn’t have one. On top of that losing Karn Liberated to a Lightning Bolt is a pretty bad trade thus he went for the +4 ability. I gave him one of my Pestermites and cast another one in his end of turn step which was enough to win as I had the fourth land and a Splinter Twin ready. If he had activated the -3 ability to exile a land I could have played a Vendillion Clique to finish Karn Liberated off and still have the combo two turns later. In my opinion he made an essential mistake on turn three by not playing his Karn Liberated as this is definitely his best shot at winning which outweighs the odds of me having the Izzet Charm by far. He could have assumed that I got to have the combo ready as I let all of his spells resolve and only played three lands therefore having me exile a hand card was a very greedy play.

Although it didn’t seem so on camera, I was obviously extremely happy to win and see all of my hard work get rewarded. By the way, I didn’t mean to disrespect my opponent when I said that RG Tron is close to a bye, it’s simply my experience with the match-up as I could not understand that Fabrizio wanted to play me instead of the other Living End deck.

Afterwards I was invited to have dinner with the awesome MTGmadness-Team and we had a great time at a spareribs restaurant. Unfortunately I had to interrupt my meal half way through to pick up my exiled (Splinter) twin brother who was Lost in the Mists of Antwerp and would have never found the place we were at. The weather was gradually getting worse and although I was very exhausted, I had to drive home. On our way back the visibility was so poor due to the rain that I had to drive super slowly and the journey took an eternity. I managed to find home, still without a sat-nav, and went to bed right after checking my messages.

Im looking forward to hopefully defend my title at GP Prague in January 2014 and want to try and do well at PT Valencia, as well. The format will be modern so I believe I have a good shot.

With this I will leave you alone for now. It was a long journey and as I had a lot of fun wrapping up my experiences I hope you also enjoyed following me!

See you at the upcoming premier events!

Kind regards