Going Tempo in Modern

by DavidDeering
October 27, 2019

Hi everybody!

Modern PTQ season has begun and I really want to go back to Honolulu to play the PT and enjoy the wonderful place called Hawaii. In order to reach this goal all I have to do is focus on the format, and I’m trying –if not to break it- to attack it from a different angle. Today I want to share with you this interesting deck: UR aggro/tempo. Basically you have to stick an early threat (Delver of Secrets or Young Pyromancer if you can choose, but this deck has so many ways to deal with opponent’s spells that a single Snapcaster Mage can often do half the job), stop your opponent’s threats with counterspells and bounce spells and finish him off with burn when he manages to stabilize.

The core of the deck consists of: mandatory 4x of Delver of Secrets, Young Pyromancer, Snapcaster Mage, Serum Visions, Gitaxian Probe, Lightning Bolt. 7-8 Mana Leak and Remand, some Spell Snare, some Vapor Snag, a couple of Grim Lavamancer. Last slots are customizable according to your preference or to the field you expect. This is the list I’m currently testing:


6 Island

2 Misty Rainforest

4 Scalding Tarn

3 Steam Vents

3 Sulfur Falls

1 Mountain


4 Delver of Secrets

4 Snapcaster Mage

4 Young Pyromancer

2 Grim Lavamancer

1 Vendilion Clique


4 Gitaxian Probe

4 Serum Visions

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Pillar of Flame

4 Mana Leak

3 Remand

2 Spell Snare

3 Vapor Snag

1 Electrolyze


1 Vendilion clique

1 Spell Pierce

1 Shatterstorm

1 Relic of Progenitus

1 Grafdigger’s Cage

1 Threads of Disloyalty

1 Pillar of Flame

1 Negate

3 Blood Moon

2 Steel Sabotage

2 Combust


This is the way I’m boarding against the top tier decks. I’m not 100% sure of all of the changes (nor of the last sideboard slots of course- but they told me testing helps to define a good list ), so feel free to change this guideline (which you should change anyway according, as always, to what you saw of your opponent’s deck).

+3 Blood Moon
+1 Threads of Disloyalty
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Relic of Progenitus
-3 Remand
-1 Electrolyze
-1 Pillar of Flame
-1 Vendilion Clique or -1 Grim Lavamancer (the latter is better on the draw)

We can win this matchup as long as we keep the right hand. We need a threat and we need to play around Anger of the Gods even in game 1 if possible. We have a strong sideboard here too.

+1 Relic of Progenitus
+1 Grafdigger’s Cage
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Pillar of Flame
-1 Vendilion Clique
-2 Spell Snare
-2 Gitaxian Probe

This matchup is OK as long as he doesn’t resolve too many Voice of Resurgence or Kitchen Finks. We have several ways to stop a Birthing Pod chain which should be our main task anyway.

+2 Combust
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Vendilion Clique
-2 Spell Snare
-1 Grim Lavamancer
-1 Pillar of Flame

We have lot of ways to stop their combo, so just stick a threat and play during their turn until we’re able to finish him with burns.

+1 Shatterstorm
+1 Pillar of Flame
+2 Steel Sabotage
-3 Remand
-1 Gitaxian Probe or -1 Mana Leak (keep Leak on the play)

This is one of the matchup in which I’d like to have a couple more sideboard option, since Gitaxian Probe isn’t particularly good and we don’t want too many Mana Leak, especially on the draw. I expect Affinity to remain very popular, so I’d consider to adjust the sideboard if the matchup doesn’t work like I’d want.

+3 Blood Moon
+1 Negate
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Vendilion Clique
+1 Combust
-1 Electrolyze
-1 Pillar of Flame
-2 Grim Lavamancer
-3 Vapor Snag

If he’s playing the Kiki version we should board in the second Combust and possibly leave one or two Snags shaving Bolt. The matchup against the pure control version is very hard, since he has cheap answers and a very good middle/late game. Blood Moon can play an important role.

+3 Blood Moon
+1 Negate
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Vendilion Clique
+1 Relic of Progenitus
-2 Spell Snare
-2 Grim Lavamancer
-1 Electrolyze
-1 Lightning Bolt
-1 Pillar of Flame

We have a lot of counterspells to stop their big spell, and after board we add more. Just stick a threat and be aware of Ricochet Trap. Fulminator Mage can be a problem at times since we’re running 19 lands, so counter it if you need to.

+3 Blood Moon
+1 Negate
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Vendilion Clique
+2 Steel Sabotage
-3 Lightning Bolt
-1 Grim Lavamancer
-1 Pillar of Flame
-1 Electrolyze
-1 between another Lightning Bolt or Grim Lavamancer

I’m still not sure about it, Bolt can kill Karn Liberated, but with Lavamancer we can chump Wurmcoil Engine and shoot our blocker before damages to nullify lifelink effect. Matchup should be OK after board, where Blood Moon and Steel Sabotage really shine.

-3 Remand
-1 Electrolyze
+3 Blood Moon
+1 Threads of Disloyalty

Same consideration as Affinity, but the matchup here is even worse. Mulligan aggressively a slow hand with few answers to his horde.

+3 Blood Moon
+1 Negate
+1 Spell Pierce
+1 Vendilion Clique
-3 Vapor Snag
-1 Pillar of Flame
-1 Lightning Bolt
-1 Electrolyze

We have to be aggressive here with our counters since they don’t do much after turn 4 or 5. Post board we improve, but pay attention to their possible creature plan.

The deck is very funny and challenging to play at the same time, and I look forward to play a lot of games on Magic Online with it. As always, I really appreciate your suggestions to improve my list.
Hope you liked it

Alessandro “The Pirate” Lippi